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Sreenu Vattipally

Computational Biologist

MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research

I’m a bioinformatics research scientist who employs computational analysis to better understand virus biology and evolution. My passion is to create new algorithms and theoretical models that can aid in the understanding of complex biological processes.

My background includes big data analysis, the formulation and development of new algorithms, custom programming, and the development of web-based apps and databases.

My broad research interests are:

  • Next generation sequence data analysis
  • Analysis of viral epitope mutations
  • Metagenomic analysis of clinical 
  • Network analysis of mutations in proteins
  • Protein-ligand interactions and docking studies
  • Intra-, inter-and extra host evolution of viruses
  • MicroRNA analysis

On the viral outbreak response, I am working as part of the COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) consortium to analyse and report variation in SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences generated from clinical samples. 

In addition, I work with STOP-HCV, a nationwide multi-institutional consortium led by the Medical Research Council in the United Kingdom that is developing stratified medicine techniques to treat HCV patients.

I am actively involved in viral bioinformatics training and knowledge exchange programs in the UK and abroad. In collaboration, I closely work with the Wellcome Connecting Science to develop and deliver viral bioinformatics courses nationally and internationally. Until now, I have organised and taught bioinformatics courses in the Philippines, Vietnam, Uganda, Argentina and the United Kingdom.

I am an associate editor for Bioinformatic and Predictive Virology, Frontiers in Virology.

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