Essential AWK Commands for Next Generation Sequence Analysis
- Post by: Sreenu Vattipally
- April 30, 2015
Here are the few essential awk command line scripts for next generation sequence analysis.
Users need latest version of gawk to run commands with bitwise operations. Most of the Linux distributions come with gawk. However OSX users have to install it from here
Count number of reads in a FastQ file
awk ‘END{print NR/4}’ file.fastq
Convert FastQ to FastA
awk 'NR%4==1{a=substr($0,2);}NR%4==2{print ">"a"\n"$0}’ file.fastq
Get reads matching a sequence pattern and convert them to FastA
awk 'NR%4==1{a=substr($0,2);}NR%4==2 && $1~/GAATTC/ {print ">"a"\n"$0}’ file.fastq
This will get all reads with EcoRI cleavage (GAATTC)
Separate reads based on their length
awk 'NR%4==1{a=$0} NR%4==2{b=$0} NR%4==3{c=$0} NR%4==0&&length(b)>=75{print a”\n”b”\n”c”\n”$0;}' file.fq
This will print reads thats are 75bp or more in length.
Printing the above output in FastA format
awk 'NR%4==1{a=substr($0,2);} NR%4==2{b=$0} NR%4==3{c=$0} NR%4==0&&length(b)>=75{print a”\n”b”\n”c”\n”$0;}' file.fq
Get All header lines from a SAM file
awk '$1~/^@/' file.sam
Get all reads – excluding headers
awk '$1!~/^@/' file.sam
Get all unmapped
gawk -F'\t' $1!~/^@/ && and($2,0x4)' file.sam
Get all mapped
gawk -F'\t' '$1!~/^@/ && !and($2,0x4)' file.sam
Count unmapped
awk -F'\t' '$1!~/^@/ && and($2,0x4){i++};END{print i}’ file.sam
Count mapped
awk -F'\t' '$1!~/^@/ && !and($2,0x4){i++};END{print i}’ file.sam
Convert all unmapped reads into fasta format
awk -F'\t' '$1!~/^@/ && and($2,0x4) {print ">" $1; if(and($2,0x10)) system("echo " $10 "| rev| tr '[ATGC]' '[TACG]'"); else print $10}' file.sam
Convert all mapped reads into fasta format
awk -F'\t' '$1!~/^@/ && !and($2,0x4) {print ">" $1; if(and($2,0x10)) system("echo " $10 "| rev| tr '[ATGC]' '[TACG]'"); else print $10}' file.sam
Convert all reads into fasta format
awk -F'\t' '$1!~/^@/{print ">" $1; if(and($2,0x10)) system("echo " $10 "| rev| tr '[ATGC]' '[TACG]'"); else print $10}' file.sam
correct me if I am mistaken, but I think there is a mistake in command which is supposed to separate reads in fastq file by their length and then output them in fasta format:
awk ‘NR%4==1{a=substr($0,2);} NR%4==2{b=$0} NR%4==3{c=$0} NR%4==0&&length(b)>=75{print a”n”b”n”c”n”$0;}’ file.fq
I think that b and c strings are not needed and output print has to be adjusted as well. To get the output in fasta format I think it would have to be something like this:
awk ‘NR%4==1{a=substr($0,2);} NR%2==0&&length($0)>=75{print “>”a”n”$0;}’ file.fa
Thank you for great website 🙂