Short command lines for manipulation FASTQ and FASTA sequence files

I thought it was time for me to compile all the short command that I use on a more or less regular basis to manipulate sequence files.

Convert a multi-line fasta to a singleline fasta

awk '!/^>/ { printf "%s", $0; n = "\n" } /^>/ { print n $0; n = "" } END { printf "%s", n }' sample1.fa > sample1_singleline.fa


To convert a fastq file to fasta in a single line using sed

sed '/^@/!d;s//>/;N' sample1.fq > sample1.fa


Dirty way to count the number of sequences in a fastq

grep -c '^@' sample1.fq

It’s dirty because sometimes the quality information line may also start with “@” so the number of sequences could be overestimated.

A more precise way is to count the lines and divide by four:

cat sample1.fq | echo $((`wc -l`/4))

One liner to remove the description information from a fasta file and just keep the identifier

perl -p -i -e 's/>(.+?) .+/>$1/g' sample1.fa


Get all the identifier names from a fasta file

perl -ne 'if(/^>(\S+)/){print "$1\n"}' sample1.fa


Extract sequences by their ID from a fasta file
For example, you want to get the sequences with id1 and id2 as identifiers

perl -ne 'if(/^>(\S+)/){$c=grep{/^$1$/}qw(id1 id2)}print if $c' sample1.fa

If you have a long list of identifiers in a file called ids.txt, then the following should do the trick:

perl -ne 'if(/^>(\S+)/){$c=$i{$1}}$c?print:chomp;$i{$_}=1 if @ARGV' ids.txt sample1.fa


Convert from a two column text tab-delimited file (ID and sequence) to a fasta file

awk -vOFS='' '{print ">",$1,"\n",$2,"\n";}' two_column_sample_tab.txt > sample1.fa


Get the length of a fasta sequence (the sequence must in singleline)

cat sample1_singleline.fa | awk 'NR%2==0' | awk '{print length($1)}'


I’ll update this when I find some more useful single line commands for manipulation fastq and fasta files.

Please post comments if you have some suggestions.


Categories: awk, Perl, UNIX

9 Comments on “Short command lines for manipulation FASTQ and FASTA sequence files

  1. Your cat sample1.fq | echo $((`wc -l`/4)) doesn’t seem to work for me for counting the number of reads in a FASTQ files – on BioLinux 8 – default z shell – I get an error:

    wc: standard input: Input/output error.

    This seems to work:

    echo $((`wc -l < ReadFileName.fastq`/4))

  2. If using Bourne shell (sh), it works. Also if you want to do it for .gz compressed fastq files:
    cat sample1.fq | echo $((`wc -l`/4)

    1. This is why the following command is a better way to count the number of sequences:

      cat sample1.fq | echo $((`wc -l`/4))

      1. Sorry, I meant it affect the fastq to fasta convert.

        About the counting, sometimes the end of the file doens’t have a end of line character. In such rare case, the number of lines from wc -l is 1 less than the real number.

  3. Counting reads: Do head of our fastq or fasta file first, take part of the read name, and use that to grep -c . the chance that there is the same 4 or more character sequence in the quality scores is virtually nil.

  4. Hello,
    I tried to loop the perl script to extract sequences based on Ids from a fasta file, using multiple IDs.txt files and one original fasta file (original_fasta.fa):

    for file in *.txt; do perl -ne ‘if(/^>(S+)/){$c=$i{$1}}$c?print:chomp;$i{$_}=1 if @ARGV’ $file original_fasta.fa > “$file”_cds_hits.fa ; done

    However all the output fasta files contains the sequences from the first file:

    grep – c “>” *.txt


    grep -c “>” *_cds_hits.fa


    Any thoughts on how to loop this script properly ?

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